Coaching with me is like going hiking.

Or at least I think it makes a goood analogy!

As a coach I am a partner walking beside you on the unique path that is your journey.

Here’s a quick description of my coaching process - kind of a roadmap we can follow.

  1. CHECKING YOUR COMPASS - Checking in to see where you are right now. Listening to your successes and challenges with understanding and without judgement. Helping you get an objective perspective on your current circumstances.

  2. WARM UP/ STRETCH - Preparing to get to work. Coaching sessions require you to think with flexibility and creativity. (Did you know that most solutions in coaching are going to come from you? Yep!) We may begin with an activity like brainstorming or or mind-mapping to get our ideas flowing!

  3. FINDING THE RIGHT PATH - Goal setting is the most important part of coaching, and we want to make sure you are focused on goals that truly align with your values and desires. I will help you pinpoint and clarify your goals. No goal is too big or too small!

  4. CLEARNING THE BRANCHES - Overcoming obstacles is where we really get to work. Mental, physical and emotional obstacles have kept you from reaching your goals in the past. Maybe ADHD feels like it is blocking your success. We will clear away the negative thought patterns that have been tripping you up.

  5. LOADING YOUR PACK - Strategies and new ideas are going to be needed on your journey. Together we will come up with stratetegies that best fit your life, and tailor them to your exact needs. I’ll share new ideas about human behavior and your brain that will help you along the way. Even helping to manage your ADHD symptoms.

  6. MAP MAKING - Planning small measurable action steps is how we will make sure you get where you want to go. We will break your goals into action items so clear and manageable that you will always know what steps you need to be taking next.

  7. START HIKING - Now it’s time to put your plan into action! At the end of the day, you have to do the work to reach your goals, when the path is easy and clear, or when the path gets steep. But you will be ready, and I will be encouraging you every step of the way with emails and texts as needed between sessions.

  8. REACHING THE SUMMIT - Accomplishing your goals is a walk in the park when you have strong accountability and a partner to walk alongside you every step of the way. I will be here to keep you on your path and to cheer as you make it to the top!

