About me…

I received a diagnosis of ADHD as an adult and continue to live with it every day. I earned a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree with a focus in education. I am a certified life coach and a certified instructional coach. It is my passion to help adults with ADHD get unstuck, reach meaningful goals, and create personal success!

My journey to coaching…..

I was a special education teacher for over 20 years, working with students who had learning disabilities and behavioral disorders. I worked with kiddos who were on the autism spectrum and LOTS of kids with ADHD. Over time I became a little bit less interested in the reading, writing and math parts of my job and more interested in helping kids understand their brains and feel better about themselves. I became a mindset coach and encourager for my students. I taught them metacognitive strategies and worked with them on improving self esteem. These were the things I loved.

In my job, I often had to have hard conversations with parents. I had to become an expert at saying difficult things in an objective and compassionate way…but without any BS. More and more these conversations ended up turning to the parent.

“This is how I learned in school.”

“I had these same problems…. and I still do.”

“I don’t want things to be as hard for my kids as they were for me.”

“Where can I get this kind of help for myself?”

I realized more and more that the world is set up to provide extra support and structure for kids…. but not for adults. Where do we turn when life gets overwhelming? And that’s when I discovered coaching as a career. I am still the same mindset coach and an encourager. I still help with confidence and understanding why your brain works the way it works. I still help people achieve their goals and provide structure and accountability. But now I am in my office, not a classroom. I help people just like you.

Are you ready? Send me a message and let’s talk!